Sunday, May 31, 2009

Time with the Family

Sid and Brax were loading the flowers to take to the cemetery.
It's always nice tohave the family with us.

We even found some lilacs to put by Granny's grave.

It's always hard to believe that Tim isn't with us anymore. We always miss him when the family gets together.

Brax has his meat!

Darby, Eric and Holly dishing up the roast.

Mata, Keith and Matt awaiting the food.

Eric brought in his table so the kids all ate in the living room.

Matt and Jess

Dusty invited the Thomas family to join us. They are always fun and we were glad to have them with us. I was on the cooking rampage all weekend. (Consequently, I didn't cook one thing all this week-I overdid myself.) Sid always misses Sunday dinner with the family, so we had everything that he likes to eat. He even left his Sunday meetings early so he could spend time with us. Matt and Jess and the DeMilles all arrived on Friday night. The Thomas' arrived early Saturday morning and Keith and Mata came late on Saturday.

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