Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cooking the Perfect Hot Dog and Marshmallow

Grandpa is helping Adam cook his hot dog.
Dusty is helping Brax.

Matt did a lot of cooking too. Here are the two Thomas kids: Preston and Devree

We decided that we needed to use this pit more often. It was fun to sit around the fire. Dusty and Eric stayed outside and told the kids scary stories.

Here are the golfers-minus Eric. They played on Saturday and Monday. Eric claimed that Dusty made them play not only 9 holes, but also the back 9 holes until Dusty was ahead. Sid said that he lost at least a dozen balls with all the water and the darkness. He said that when they back to clubhouse, everyone had gone home. They had to chain up the cart by themselves. They probably couldn't believe that anyone was still golfing. They obviously do not know Dusty very well.

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