Francie Mackert's husband is on the right. His name is Rob and he plays the sax in Disneyland. They were performing in New Orleans.

Patsy and I met Francie at Disneyland. Thanks to her, we got into the park for free and also got 35% off of the food and gifts that we purchased. Can you believe that Patsy has never been to Disneyland? Neither could anyone else. We had a great time and took as much of the park in as we could. We loved how everything was decorated for Halloween...even Space Mountain. It was really crowded, but we managed to ride on most of the large attraction rides. Our favorite was Space Mountain even though we had to stand in line for 90 minutes. I was looking for Braxton so that we could go to the front of the line.

While Idaho was experiencing record low temperatures, we were in beautiful California with 70 degree weather. Patsy and Cam are congratulating Lily on a great soccer game. I loved watching her play. She is a good dribbler and made a few goals.

Then we went to watch Cam play flag football. He is really quick and and agressive. He was fun to watch. Jacob was also playing, but Dave took him to his game. He and Cam played at the same time.
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